Strike's work! they have always worked
Cameron and his shite heads and the shite
heads before him
Have created laws to stop working people
using one of the few ways to fight back
against tyrannical management.
ever since the Tolpuddle martyrs
the bosses have sought to use any
means to stop the use of the Strike
by working men and women.
If as Cameron and his tossers lie striking
was so counter productive why have laws
to hobble its use and laws to prevent
others supporting their fellow workers.
Been forced onto the working people.
Every since working people joined
together to gain some freedom from
the enforced labour of the Capatalist
The bosses and there political lackeys
and placemen have attacked the use
of the Strike.
The well organised strike works alway has always will.
I note Michael Gove has few words to say
on the strike
<a href=""> here
If Gove was to come to Scotland to speak in defense of the 'Union'
i have to say the bloke is such a unmitigated useless spineless toadying
lying turd face wanker it would in my opinion be the best argument
for voting for Independence that i can possibly think of
A placard which Gove could never hold high
cos he aint a 'MAN'