THE outgoing Labour leader Iain Gray has delivered a stinging attack on the “ugly” side of Nationalism, claiming that Alex Salmond’s party have brought “vile poison” into politics.
“The cybernats and the bedsit bloggers will call you traitor, quisling, lapdog and worse. They will question your appearance, your integrity and your sexuality. They will drag your family and your faith into the lies and the vitriol. It will be worse if you are a woman.
“This is the poison some have brought into our politics and it is vile.”
His claim that the SNP powers-that-be are aware of the identity of some of the offenders was one of the few times that cybernat activity has been mentioned in mainstream politics since ##############, an aide to the SNP minister Mike Russell, was forced to resign after it emerged that he was the author of a blog that printed scurrilous and deeply unpleasant allegations about the SNP’s rivals
The Dirty Fecking snp bastards
cybernat scum lying cheating vermin
puke ridden turds.
All the behest of the snp their own
private dirty little slave army and woe betide they who get in their way.