Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Stirrers  Now Pishtaking
Or the snp Referendum
losers want another chance.
 dej a vu  all over again .
Having found another imaginary
grievance the nats  now threaten /bully
the Scottish People with another
long bitter and unwanted hate-fest. 

The fig leave the extremists nats use
to attempt to conceal thier desire to
destroy the United Kingdom..

Is based on a majority to stay in the eu
from Scottish voters obviously if you
take part in a referendum which the scots
freely did one is bound to accept the result
(as all extremist would say in the unimaginable
result of YES to Independence)

Now the bullying snp attempt to  twist history
to suit their own diseased world view.
The fact is the vote was about the United Kingdom
departing the eu the last I looked Scotland was and is
an integral indivisible part of the UK .

To conflate the eu with another hate-fest is typical
of the snp but is a totally different campaign .
If the snp wish to argue against any vote which
they suggest show a Scots element in opposition 
to the majority outcome.
Then the real and true answer is not to take part
then at least the snp vermin can say the Scots should
not accept the result but if the Scots freely take part
then they should in decency which the snp exremists
singularly lack   respect the outcome.

And as for Alex Salmond harping on and on
about another Referendum always put as a
threat..He has become a counter productive
 sad figure of fun