Best news ever
BBC comedy Still Game returns in October
The settled will of the Scottish people
Another poll shows that Brexit hasn’t changed Scottish appetite for independence
Kantar TNS has today published a poll showing that 53 per cent of Scots
are against independence, which confirms the YouGov poll taken at the
end of August showing 54 per cent of Scots against
Once again and again the snp
aim of secession has been shown to
be a myth . the people in full knowledge
of the facts do not and will not join
the Nationalists in their now forlorn
quest for an idea the died in history
and can not ever return.The page in
that old book has been closed.
The referendum result was clear
and decisive the snp deny that truth.
And carry on their lost cause the high
tide of nationalism was reached at the
referendum and there will never be
another opportunity in all our history.
the snp in pursuit of power and personal gain
wave the option of another vote to the deluded
and desperate they plat their supporters
for fools using them as pawns in a game
in which the outcome is doomed to never