Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Made In Scotland

David Coburn hints at Ukip 

leadership bid


Another Scottish leader

shows how it can be done



Just like Oor! Nicola.




  1. He isn't a leader Niko, and never will be, even if he becomes top kipper. Comparing him with Nicola is just risible. I see Taz has went for a walk and left the keyboard unguarded...

  2. I welcome Mr Coburn's candidature. Can you imagine the laughs we will get at his pronouncements? He's a proper Kipper leader. A man in the mould of Mr Pearson and Mr Hamilton.

    Far better than the last one who lasted only 18 days. I never got a single laugh at her. Even old Nigel was becoming a tad boring, and hadn't done anything worth mentioning since he crashed his aeroplane.

    Nope. I look forward to more of Mr Coburn on the telly. (Notably becasue I don't have one!)

  3. Munguin have a word with conan

    and conan

    Get thee glass eyes, and like a scurvy politician, seem to see the things thou dost not.

  4. "Another Scottish leader
    shows how it can be done

    Just like Oor! Nicola."

    No. Definitely seen that.

  5. Id forgotten about him. Then i remembered the Labour Party cheering his win over the SNPs Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh at the EuroParl election. Labour dont like mouthy Jocks, especially the ethnic minority ones.
