Thursday, June 29, 2017

Blood Money

The Tory D.U.P Deal ??

 Consder the risks the Torys take in pursuit of self aggrandizing
 power not content with just murdering innocent people
 in tower blocks in London.
They are quite happy deliriously so take make sordid deals
corruptly bribing Unionist politicians and risking the rebirth
of violence in Northern Ireland.

we are told the peace process is robust and the return to the troubles
risk free. I ask in this security concerned days how is it armed men
easily and freely fire their weapons watched by a large gathering.
With no action taken and the certainty these men will never be
found. They who live in a community more than willing to
assist and keep safe armed and dangerous men.

If this had been Muslim extremists in a Muslim community
can anyone imagine the hysterical response in the
right wing media.

This group are Republicans the Unionists have the same but
opposing forces within their own communities.

The English Conservatives would do a deal with anyone
anyone at all to cling to office and power they are truly
vile and disgusting....

 - Police have launched an investigation after a video of the incident emerged 
on social media. Barry McMullan, who is understood to have been a senior figure
  in the Irish ... Socialist Party (IRSP) – the political wing of the INLA

Video footage has shown masked men firing shots during the funeral of a West Belfast republican. Police have launched an investigation after a video of the incident emerged on social media. Barry McMullan, who is understood to have been a senior figure in the Irish republican Socialist Party (IRSP) – the political wing of the INLA – was buried in Belfast on Monday.

Read more at:

Video footage has shown masked men firing shots during the funeral of a West Belfast republican. Police have launched an investigation after a video of the incident emerged on social media. Barry McMullan, who is understood to have been a senior figure in the Irish republican Socialist Party (IRSP) – the political wing of the INLA – was buried in Belfast on Monday.

Read more at:
Video footage has shown masked men firing shots during the funeral of a West Belfast republican. Police have launched an investigation after a video of the incident emerged on social media. Barry McMullan, who is understood to have been a senior figure in the Irish republican Socialist Party (IRSP) – the political wing of the INLA – was buried in Belfast on Monday.

Read more at:

 (the armed salute take place at 4m20sec )

Police have launched an investigation after a video of the incident emerged on social media. Barry McMullan, who is understood to have been a senior figure in the Irish republican Socialist Party (IRSP) – the political wing of the INLA – was buried in Belfast on Monday.

Read more at:



  1. Cause he's a whining Jock nationalist like the rest of them. Bastard

    1. Anne Learmonth (actress)August 14, 2023 at 11:37 PM

      I sat behind Sir Lawrence Olivier on the bus and he farted all the way from Dungannon to Enniskillen.

    2. I think Gatwick Airport should be renamed in memory of Shania Twain.

    3. My favourite song by Shania Twain redrafted in memory of joyrnalist Carol Malone.

      Slide a cake in my underwear
      And I'll know how to fly.
      Its the time to be bold and dare,
      Bake the cake or just cry.
      And the snake can bake a new cake.
      [Boom boom slippy boom boom boom]
      And the snake can bake a new pie.
      [Boom boom slippy boom boom boom].


    4. There was about three or four of them merging fruit outside the Chinese. You just wonder where the parents are. Inside a pub on there mobile phones drinking smoking and placing bets on the horses. I'm sick 😫 of them.

    5. I saw about seven of them at the bus station. None of them were merging fruit but I heard one of them saying her parents dry their washing in the shed when it's raining outside. That twists my nutmeg and I saw red. How often have I had to call the police about that sort of thing? And the council. I'm thinking about appealing to Princess Kate Middletown about it. She's a mother and she'd understand. Do you think she'd take an interest and help me fight my case?

    6. Dale gave me an empty tic-tac container. One of the little plastic ones with a flip top lid.i am going to collect little shiny stars in it and every star will be a logical dream. Any time I feel unhappy I will open the little lid and pluck out a star to make me dream of happy things like moonbeams, fairies, kitten, little koala bears nice birthday cards (not sarcastic ones), words of kindness from a firmer teacher or police officer, the door into magical garden twa in a lovely cafe with a window overlooking snow capped mountains and a sparkling lake, lucizade, new teeth, marshmallows melted over an open fire, Celine Gottwald.

    7. That's delightful Melvota.

    8. Mr W R Ronson is me. I no longer want Gatwick Airport to be renamed in honour of Shania Twain. I would like to rename it after Celine Gottwald. I shall never change my mind again.

    9. I want Buckingham Palace to be renamed in honor of Tiffany Pollard. I want it to be called the Tiffany Pollard Project. Black Lives Matter.

  2. Maggie hardly ever gets out of bed before midday.

    1. Journalist Carol Malone has a head.

    2. I know for a fact that there is people going around on buses wearing no underwear. We need to get inspectors to check this.

    3. Dalmexa Reid makes me vomit up a bucket of vomit.
