Saturday, May 21, 2011

 World exclusive

shocking revelation

the first photo of the child Alex Salmond fathered with an

American socialite/Model

The First Minsters Love child is his splitting image

Alex  salmond secretly fathered the child in 2007
He was unavailable for comment prior to publishing


  1. Dirty B'stard any comment from the First Ministers wife yet?

  2. Quote! "So confident am I that Ian Gray will be the next
    First Minister of Scotland

    That I hereby make this pledge

    If Iain Gray is not the next First Minister of Scotland
    I will cut of my own dick and throw it into a blazing
    fire whilst reciting

    A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation"

    Labour mugs

  3. CH

    I know that Mr M what a mug Phew! wonder whatever happened to him

  4. You are getting better at photoshop Niko.

  5. conan

    dont know what you mean its a real pic it is
