Being Sincere (Amber Rudd style )

saw a child refugee whilst out walking with Taz
standing atop a cliff he leaned out and the threw
himself off and fell down and smashed his body
on the rocks .
we rushed over to him but unfortunately he was only
severally injured and not dead soon the Ambulance and
police arrived (some twat had called them )
Obviously before the police and medical team could reach the child
I stopped them holding my arns out to block them. The police
threatened to arrest me (bloody cheek).
anyway as i explained if we were to save the child it would only
incentivise or encourage other children to smuggle their way into
the UK
This pull factor would lead to refugees pouring in and swamping
us with foreigners (spits on floor ) and possibly muslim terrorists.
The officer seeing the logic in my argument agreed and without further ado
took a large rock and mashed in the child's heid...for which he has been awarded
a medal from the Conservative and Unionist party..
Obviously seeing the success of my stratagem have suggested to the Conservatives
we should do the same to dangerous driving ie if they have an accident leave them to
die horribly which would make others consider their actions and what the consequence
could lead to....
you see being sincere does mean you do really care but in different kind of way
some describe as not caring at all