"When you work with someone for four years as I did and you work closely, you do build a friendship and I became friends with him ... so, yes, he became a friend and is a friend."Cameron on Coulson
Your not at Eton now with your old boys network and friends
being more important than Nation! Party! or even the poor old Voters!
(tax payers as well)
says a lot about Camerons moral compass when he believes
standing up for Besty Mates over the right thing to do will
(in his eyes) gain him respect with the British voters.
War and politics have much in common and one of them
is you dont have friends you have allies.
the just cause is greater than the individual
and if your judgment is guided by friendship
then your not really up to the role of
Prime Minister
So my advice if you want friendship buy yourself a Dog
Although me being a well bred pedigree
am a tad expensive
But boy am I lovable