Monday, September 4, 2017

Troll(or accusations of)
 The last refuge of a snp
supporter     scoundrel

apparently me persona non grata cos i put a mirror to
the snp/nats extremists face and they don't like what
they see and run screamimg from  the internet.
crying out troll ! troll ! troll!



  1. Replies
    1. of them, so I told her to empty the bag and it was all fine! 😃

    2. The French minister of education looks like an owl

    3. The Spanish minister of health looks like a car park

    4. The Prime Minister of Togo looks like a knitting needle.

    5. President of Vietnam he look like picture frame.

    6. The new king of England looks like a juniper bush surrounded by a Zinc fence.

    7. Queen Parker-Bowles of England. She lady. She look 😍 pretty ladybird. She go good place.

  2. Replies
    1. I wrote to Stagecoach Buses today to thank the driver of the Number 2 for reassuring me that the bus wasn't haunted. I am terrifued of ghosts.

    2. My neighbour made us a carrot cake. It was so tasty I said she should open a stall at the farmers market. Imagine my surprise when she opened a stall for people to play gin rummy in!

    3. Aunt Val said I should get a teppanyaki grill but Mrs Mortensen says they are evil and use evil energies in the atmosphere to make themselves work. So maybe I should stick to the fondue set I saw in Wallace Brothers window. I don't like all that melted cheese stuff but I've seen Ghostbusters so.i think it's fair that I'm nervous. I just wish we could all live on sandwiches. I could toast them over the flame on the fondue set. If I ever get it back from the Mrs Todd, that is. All that hissing!

  3. Your nobody's uncle are you?

    1. That is a terribly hurt hurtful thing to write. My world is a wasteland of emptiness and reality. I live surrounded by fantasy figures who say funny or odd things to entertain me. Like the one who says I have never seen Blackpool Tower because you can see it from her daughters house and that's a house I've never been in. BUT I have seen Blackpool Tower from the street. You can see it from lots of places. She's a silly Drip.

    2. Sir John Redmoon MPAugust 12, 2023 at 3:57 PM

      Harrison Ford's mother bought my Aunt Freda's old kettle.

    3. I'm an accident waiting to happen.

    4. Can anyone recommend a good place for me to meet celebrities? I do not want to seevthem shoplifting or vomiting or anything like that. Thanks.

  4. Thumbelina McCrindleNovember 6, 2022 at 9:30 AM

    I'll never forget Grandad 's favorite horse Seabiscuit. Grandad used to say "Damn silly name. Damn fine nag." But that wasxas dar as the discussion went. Not a word more as he wiped a tear from his eye. He never really got over what happened and sometimes we would find Grandad staring into space, his eyes misted over like a cloud of sorrow, and we would mouth the word "Seabiscuit" to each other and tip tow out of the room. Grandad was a great character and used to regale us with how his platoon dealt with the Mow Mow terrorists in Kenya. What a hoot! Swinging from telegraph poles on the Mombasa road like scarecrows!! But never a word about Seabiscuit.

    1. I don't believe a word of that ridiculous story.

    2. Neither do I. But then I never believe anything that anybody else says or writes.December 15, 2023 at 6:10 PM

      Kazimierz Popszott

    3. It twists my nutmeg when people think they can get Royal Favour without even doing things like merging fruit. They are human skysh.
